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Menu Layout

Understanding the Menu Layout
The top right section of your screen indicates who is logged in on this computer. Link either your personal photo of one of the supplied avatars as your profile picture.
Left Panel (leads & searches)
There are four options that you can choose from in the left panel. Click on the BLUE line (Slidebar Menu) to view the these option.
This TAB of your main screen also indicates various detail about your daily reminders, company logo and files for downloading (manuals & gadgets). 
Let’s start with the quick lead, odyssey makes it easier for sales people to quickly load new leads onto the system. Leads later become opportunities. So this is basically just a short form you complete and then assign that new opportunity/lead to yourself or a fellow user. You can either use the quick lead “form” in this panel or the phone application as shown below. At the time of this manual we only had an application available for the apple and android phones.
The quick lead FORM contains just the basic information required. This will be displayed in a pop-up screen.